Saturday, 24 January 2009

Week 23 Welcome Back

First week back at University and we have been given our new assignments, I have decided for the Creative Applications and Practice to do the documentary assignment with the title "Is Community Dead?" for this I want to carry on the short documentary I was doing over christmas on the group of squatters in The Red Factory, but as the brief is asking us to show empathy and not be patronising I have decided to firstly swap from Black and White to colour as like Joel Meyerwitz said "To photograph it in black and white would be to keep it as a tragedy". I have also decided to shoot in medium format rather than 35mm as they can be pushed/pulled with better results as my first few visits showed that as there was very little available light my photos were very grainy, and as I have to produce prins at A3 size this might mean that my results become to grainy. 

Our Digital Darkroom project also sounds interesting but I haven't had much time to develop any ideas yet. I have also taken up Mark George's advice,on joining local publications advice and joined the Bournemouth University's Magazine Nerve, to gain both experience and meet contacts as well as gaining some more shoots. 

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